Which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track?
Q.9 – Which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track? [C] (A) Pageview (B) Transaction (C) All of the above (D) Event O...
Q.9 – Which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track? [C] (A) Pageview (B) Transaction (C) All of the above (D) Event O...
Q.8 – In Multi-Channel Funnel reports, how are default conversions credited? [A] (A) Last campaign, search or ad (B) Equ...
Q.7 – Which user characteristic may NOT be used to change keyword bids in Google Ads? [D] (A) Location (B) Device (C) Ti...
Q.6 – Where should the Analytics tracking code be placed in the HTML of a webpage for data collection? [C] (A) Just befo...
Q.5 – Which default traffic source dimensions does Google Analytics report for each website visitor?[D] (A) Source and c...
Q.4 – Which metric reports on how often a channel contributes to a conversion prior to last-click attribution? [D] (A) S...
View filters may be applied retroactively to any data that has been processed. [A] (A) False (B) True Other content can ...
Q.2 – What report indicates the last page users viewed before leaving a website?[D] (A) Landing Pages report (B) All Pag...
今天博客服务器升级后上传图片时突然出现这个提示: 图像后期处理失败,可能是服务器忙或没有足够的资源。请尝试上传较小的文件。推荐的最大尺寸为2500像素 经过网上的解决办法尝试后也没成功,最终我这边解决的办法时把php版本从8.0降低到7.4...
In Custom reports, what must metrics and dimensions share in order to report accurately? [C] (A) Same index (B) Same vie...