What is a “dimension” in Google Analytics?
Q.49 – What is a “dimension” in Google Analytics? [A] (A) An attribute of a data set that can be organised for better an...
Q.49 – What is a “dimension” in Google Analytics? [A] (A) An attribute of a data set that can be organised for better an...
Q.48 – When the same default tracking code is installed on pages with different domains, what will result? [C] (A) Analy...
Q.47 – What is used to create Smart Goals? [A] (A) Machine-learning algorithms (B) Analytics goals (C) Remarketing audie...
Q.46 – What channel is not included in the default Channels report? [B] (A) Display (B) Device (C) Organic search (D) Di...
Q.45 – When linking a Google Ads account to Google Analytics, what is not possible? [D] (A) Import Analytics Goals and t...
Q.44 – Auto-tagging is used to collect data from what kind of traffic? [C] (A) Website referral traffic (B) Social media...
Q.43 – Within how many days can a deleted view be restored? [C] (A) 15 (B) 25 (C) 35 (D) 5 Other content can be found by...
Q.42 – How would a view filter be configured to include only users from Brazil and Argentina? [C] (A) Filter 1: include ...
Q.41 – What feature is required to track customer search terms on a website? [B] (A) Search filters (B) Site search (C) ...
Q.40 – Segments will not allow you to do what? [C] (A) Build custom Remarketing lists (B) Isolate and analyze data (C) P...