
2021年10月 Google Analytics4(分析)的一些新动向

继去年Google analytics4推出以来,官方对于新版本的迭代非常的频繁,近期谷歌分析官方博客中提到,几项重要的功能升级接下来一段时间会陆续推出并使得Google analytics4更加好用。以下是主要汇总:

1、集成升级后的search console,能够帮助了解自然搜索相对于其他营销渠道(例如搜索广告、电子邮件或社交)在增加网站流量和参与度方面所起的作用;

2、更智能的归因,简单来说就是将在 Google Analytics 4 媒体资源中引入数据驱动的归因,更好地了解所有营销活动如何共同影响您的转化;


Using Google’s advanced modeling technology, the new Google Analytics allows you to fill gaps in your understanding of customer behavior when cookies and other identifiers aren’t available. It analyzes vast amounts of historical data, identifies correlations and trends between key data points, and uses those insights to make predictions about the customer journey.

We’re bringing a few new modeling capabilities to Google Analytics 4. First, conversion modeling is now used in attribution reports, the Conversions report, and Explorations to identify where conversions have come from and allocate them to the right Google and non-Google channels, such as Search ads, email, or paid social.

Second, behavioral modeling will soon be supported in reporting. Behavioral modeling uses rigorously tested and validated machine learning to fill gaps in behavioral data, like daily active users or average revenue per user. This allows you to conduct uninterrupted measurement across devices and platforms, and answer questions like, “How many new users did I acquire from my last campaign?” or “Which steps in my funnel have the highest user drop-off rates?”


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